Legal Notice
Media owner Neuroth International AG Paula-Neuroth-Strasse 1 A-8403 Lebring Tel 00800/8001 8001 Fax +43 (0) 316/99 56 00 5000 E-mail: [email protected] | Company register number: FN 249346k Commercial register court: LGZ Graz UID: ATU57985309 Management board: Ing. Lukas Schinko
Object of the company Acquisition, ownership and management of shareholdings Organisation of training and further education events Organisation of seminars
Supervisory authority/trade authority BH Graz-Umgebung
Applicable legal regulations UGB, trade regulations:
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Copyright Neuroth International AG owns the copyright or the exclusive right of use to the content of this website or parts thereof. We authorise you to download, print and save files from this website for private use only. Any other use, in particular the duplication, distribution, processing, modification, reproduction, linking or transmission of the contents of this website, is only permitted with the express written authorisation of Neuroth International AG. Furthermore, we reserve all rights, including reprinting, translation and editing.
The NEUROTH Group has committed itself to the Code of Conduct of the Austrian Public Affairs Association (ÖPAV):
Fotos © by Kanizaj